About Me

I was born in Middleboro, Massachusetts to Michael and Holly Wehde. Who are, by far,
the best parents ever created. Not long after I had four siblings. Dakota, who is one of my best friends. Dillon, who I share all my reading adventures with. Cassidy, who has more spirit than anyone I know. And Dawson, who is a fireball of red hair. They were my play mates growing up. My family was a strong, Christian family who attended Central Baptist Church and we were active participators there. My dad was a deacon and my mom helped lead Women's Ministries. VBS, Bible Studies and Sunday School were a big part of our lives. I thrived off of it. I spent my days playing pretend in the woods. My friends and I even filmed a home made Lord of the Rings movie to feed our love of adventure. Sword fights, bows and arrows and story writing consumed us. I was also homeschooled my entire life. I believe this is what gave me the freedom to learn independently and it was something I would never regret. I'll thank my mother everyday for continuing let me learn at home. It was a wonderful life.
As I grew up, my dreams of an adventure slowly grew dim. Sometimes when we are faced with the realities of life, our dreams have a way of taking the back burner. Jesus became just an accessory to me and I slowly started living a purposeless life. When I was 11, my parent's business burned down. They saw this as a calling from God to go plant a church. This idea excited me and scared me. But eventually, we moved from Massachusetts to Palm Coast, Florida. It was a decision my parent's made that I will never regret. Church planting has helped me in so many ways. I have been able to observe my parents, living out their calling from Jesus. I have also been able to serve in every aspect of the church. You name it, I've done it. Nursery working, setting up the church, cleaning, teaching, greeting, computer graphics, acting, choreographing. It was hard learning to share my family with a church of two hundred people, but Jesus has taught me so many things and has given me a true love for others. I started college when I was 14. That was a huge experience all by itself. I loved learning, but adapting to a classroom environment was tough. I'm 17 and I still don't think I will ever get used to public school. I will have my AA degree in less than a year, about the same time I graduate high school. I am planning on finishing up my BA at UCF, hopefully in International Relations. But who knows? With God, anything is subject to change!
Currently, I am finishing up my degree, working with the best boss ever in Property Management, helping my parents out with Life Coast Church and being loved by the most handsome boy in the world. I also started an international business called Trades of Hope- which helps women out of poverty all over the world! Check it out if your interested. :) Tradesofhope.com Ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed of adventure. I've dreamed of danger, excitement, true love and great battles. For a while, I believed that those adventures didn't exist anymore. That they only happened in the story books. You know what God showed me? The story books got nothing on him. I have been called by Jesus to live a life of adventure. He has shown me what it means to truly find my Prince Charming in him alone. I am going to have purpose in my life for him. Whether it is flying to Africa, teaching in Haiti, or even planting more churches here in the States. I refuse to let my faith become apathetic. I will follow my Jesus at all costs, will you join me?