And most of them, you can find at Target!! Whoop whoop! I often get questions on Instagram about what beauty products I use. Not because I'm super great at make up, because I'm really not. (For that, ask my sister. She'll teach you how to do a sassy wing like nobody's business :). But I do try to be more simple and natural in the products I use. So I figured I'd put together a short blog post with some of my faves. I've tried over the last few years to convert my beauty items to be more natural products. Because more natural products are a bit more expensive, it forces me to cut down on how much I buy and keep it minimal. I can't just buy stuff I don't use. And using the app that rates beauty products Think Dirty (that name 😂) has helped me find items that don't contain so much junk. If I'm slathering something all over my face, I want it to actually be good for me and not just smell good. :) So here's a list of my top favorite things I've found over the last year in trying to convert my beauty drawer to things that are better for me and the environment. It's definitely not a full list, and I of course still have some items that aren't fully natural. But my hope is that I can slowly find cost effective and natural products over time that will replace all of my non-natural make up. Hope this helps! 1. Pacifica Face Wipes & Facial Cleanser (Rose Water Wipes & Kale Detox Cleanser) Target I love this brand. My favorite thing to do after a long day is to sit on the couch, watch the Office, and take all of my make up off with a wipe. Finding these wipes has been awesome, because they are WAY softer than others and make my face feel like I just had a spa treatment. I have to be conservative when using them though, because I could use three a night. ;) The cleansers are also super gentle on my skin and a little goes a long way! I've used lots of their wipes, and my favorites are the Rose Water & Cactus Water. I used the Kale Detox Facial Cleanser. 2. Love Beauty and Planet Shampoo & Conditioner (Hope & Repair) Target I recently grabbed these at Target and love them so much. They are expensive, but my hair felt amazing and I got a bajillion comments on how good it smelled. They aren't quite fragrance free (esp. due to how great it smells. ;) But paraben and sulfate free is cool too. Also, their bottles are made out of recyclable materials. 3. Root Pretty Mascara + Eye Shadow Online I used to wake up with my eyes swollen every morning and could never figure out why. I'd always have a little excess mascara under my eyes, from not quite rubbing it all off and it was definitely aggravating my sensitive eyes. I switched to this mascara and literally have not had the swollen eye issue once. Kind of freaks me out that I had been putting so much gunk that was hurting my eyes for so long! Root Pretty's stuff is organic and fragrance free. Their eye shadow is also super pretty, and I have some of their gold and pink colors. I may just have sensitive eyes, but I do love the Root Pretty brand and am SO glad I switched to using them. (and it smells yummy too!) 4. Purely & Jordan Essentials Lipsticks Jordan Essentials Purely I own a bunch of Purely's lip therapy chapsticks and I LOVE Jordan Essentials lipsticks. I have the worst chapped lips ever. It's basically impossible for me to wear lipstick and both of these products are made well and ease my chronic-ly peely lips. ;) I own Pink Champagne and Bravo Brown from Jordan Essentials. And basically all the lip therapy chapsticks from Purely. :) 5. Young Living Oils mixed with simple face lotion Young Living Target I love many of Young Living's oils. As my pregnancy has progressed, I've noticed my scars and blemishes becoming more apparent on my face, and so frankincense and lavender have helped ease my breakouts and spots. I mix a few drops into Shea Moisture facial lotion that also has rose oil in it (link to that above). It calms my face so much and I put it on every night. I got this lotion at Target. :) 6. Gabriel Foundation Target I love this foundation! It's rated super good for having no icky stuff in it on the Think Dirty app, and it's not super oily and has decent coverage! I generally wear it over a BB cream. 7. Tom's Deodorant Target Normal deodorant makes me itchy. (It actually makes Ryan break out in a rash!). This is nice because it's better for you and keeps you from being stinky. :) I got mine at a local grocery store, but you can grab them at Target too. 8. Burt's Bees Lipsticks - Blush Basin Target Again, I have the worst chapped lips. And the Burt's Bees lipsticks are SO nice to put on and don't aggravate my lips. (It actually hides the peely chappedness of my lips quite a bit, which is awesome).
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